The Diversity in Tech Community in Dublin & Ireland

The Diversity in Tech Community in Dublin & Ireland

NOTE: This post is copied from my Medium post. I’ll keep this updated also.

[UPDATE 2020–11–25] Added itag Digital Women’s Forum
[UPDATE 2020–11–19] Added Women in Tech/STEM College Societies; removed GirlCrew
[UPDATE 2020–09–24] Added Global GCS Connect: Diversity in Tech
[UPDATE 2020-09-11]
Added WhyDesign, #GoingFar and Dublin
[UPDATE 2020-09-10] Added SheUps
[UPDATE 2020–09–08] Added Cyber Women Ireland
[UPDATE 2020-06-30] Added Tech Women Dublin
[UPDATE 2020–06–10]
 Added Mentor HER
[UPDATE 2020–06–04] 
Added GirlScript Ireland (Dublin)
[UPDATE 2020–02–05] 
Added Coding Girls Dublin, Ladies Tech Meetup, Women in AI Ireland.
[UPDATE 2020–01–16] Added Tech Léi and TechFoundHer.
[UPDATE 2020–01–16] 
Removed Moms Who Tech (Dublin)
(You can find list of older edits to this page at the end of the post)

(NOTE: I still keep this updated as much as I can. I need all the help I can get to make sure this list is up-to-date. 🤜🤛 #TIA)

I’ve been meaning to write this post for ages, well since February (2017), about all the women/diversity in tech groups we have around Dublin and Ireland.

2017 has been interesting, at least three new Women in Tech groups that I know of popped up in Dublin. It’s amazing as back in 2008, I wished there was at least one group, and I thought my wishes were answered when Ireland Girl Geek Dinner started… but I wished there were more programming groups that have more people than just your atypical coder that attend techie events.

I co-founded Coding Grace (diversity-friendly coding workshops) which started in May 2013, and founded PyLadies Dublin (Python coding evenings) which had its first meetup in October 2013. It was certainly different to run and mentor workshops, and great to have technical events that’s not just about talks, and have some hands-on coding evenings or interactive workshops that are inclusive and friendly to everyone.

Another group that I want to mention is WITS (Women in Technology and Science) Ireland, who have been around since 1990, with amazing patrons like our first female Irish president, Mary Robinson, Mary McAleese and the current president, Michael D. Higgins. What makes this group different is that WITS Ireland is involved with gender equality policies on the government level in the areas of STEM and have members in public and private sectors.

It’s amazing that we have so many diversity groups, but I am not the only to think that we should be careful that we don’t fragment the community. The tech community (especially in Dublin) is small, the diversity community is even smaller. I hope that all organisers will collectively be in touch with one another and co-ordinate (if possible), or even just let folks know in advance when their event(s) are on. Plus it’s a great way to give heads up and we can shout out about each other’s events. Maybe some folks don’t want to, that’s ok, I just want to be friends with everyone! :-D

Here’s the list of groups (including mine) that I know of, if you know of more, please send them on to me at, and I’ll update this post (or follow up with another one):-

🆕Diversity in tech (STEM) College Societies (e.g. College / Name of Society)

Thanks to Lauren from GalStem (DCU) for the list

Diversity in tech groups that target those who are under 18 years old:

BTW, all groups above would love you to help them out, don’t be a stranger. I know I would be over the moon to get more volunteers to help me out and run/organise events. :-)

The following is not a group, but initiatives of interest for women in tech:

  • Women ReBOOT — for experienced and qualified ICT women who have taken a career break

More shameless self-promos

  • Looking for volunteers for Coding Grace, PyLadies Dublin

  • Looking for speakers for PyLadies Dublin

  • Guest techie/geeky bloggers for Coding Grace

Groups gone but not forgotten

Following are groups that decided to disband, or inactive, or unable to continue, or move on to other areas, such is life. Things change (and hopefully to greener pastures). So a HU-UGE THANK YOU to the organisers for putting a lot of work organising and running these groups. 🙌

You are all amazing, and that is the reason for this section, to keep remembering those who helped grow the community and making it diverse and inclusive. ❤️

Here’s a section for groups that are active elsewhere but just not in Ireland anymore:

If someone from the community want to take over, go for it! Go talk to the previous organisers (or I can connect you to them) and get advice from them.

We’ll miss you list:

  • GirlCrew — it’s not all tech, but a great way to reach people in a safe environment


Archive of edits made on this page (list was getting quite long at the top 😉)

[UPDATE 2019–11–06] Added Women in DevOps
[UPDATE 2019–10–23] 
Added TechFugees Ireland
[UPDATE 2019–09–03] Added ngGirls Dublin
[UPDATE 2019–08–15] Added Women In Technology Galway
[UPDATE 2019–08–10] Added section for groups that are active elsewhere but just not in Ireland anymore; moved “Geek Girl” to this section
[UPDATE 2019–08–10] Added Women in 3D Printing Dublin
[UPDATE 2019–08–10] Added Global online community for D&I champions
[UPDATE 2019–08–07] Added Ladies that UX Belfast
[UPDATE 2019–05–20] Added Moms Who Tech
[UPDATE 2019–03–29] 
Added Women CyberSecurity Society (Dublin)
[UPDATE 2019–03–28] 
Added Women in Games Dublin
[UPDATE 2018–12–15] Removed Women in Blockchain Dublin
[UPDATE 20181005]
 Added BlockW Ireland
[UPDATE 2018–08–13] Added section for under 18s groups (BAME Tech, CoderDojoGirls, Girls Hack Ireland, iWish and teen turn
[UPDATE 2018–08–07] Added, Women Who Co-Work Dublin and Girl Develop It
[UPDATE 2018–05–15] Updated LeanIn Belfast to Women in Tech Belfast
[UPDATE 2018–05–15] Added Lesbians Who Tech Dublin
[Update 2018–04–11] Added Hello Sprinters Dublin
[Update 2018–04–06] Added Women of Wearables Dublin
[Update 2018–03–19] Added Women in Blockchain Dublin
[Update 2017–11–27] Changed XX+Data to Her+Data
[Update 2017–11–23] Thanks to Victoria McCallum for additional new groups based in Belfast, Women Tech Space, Code Co-op NI, Belfast IT Girls.
[Update 2017–09–01] Added Girl Crew. All the ones tagged “new” are ones that started this year.
[Updated 2017–05–10] Added XX-Data.
[Updated 2017–04–24 again] Added LoveLace Space to the list, it’s a feminist hackerspace in Dublin. We are still looking for a space, but we are running events and focussing on building a community first.
[Updated 2017–04–24] Update with more groups below in the listings, thanks to @glenndavidson and @Victoria McCallum for more info on groups in the north.

Originally published at

Live blog of virtual tech events during COVID-19

Live blog of virtual tech events during COVID-19

My Medium posts on Diversity in Tech